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Erowid Announcement #27
February 24, 2002
Greetings Entheophiles,

The last two months have been full of hardware challenges, updates to existing systems, and a concerted effort to review experience reports and image submissions that continue to come in faster than we can review them.

December 19, a hard drive failure caused a system crash, which lead to 2 days of downtime. After a new hard drive and system installation, databases were reinstalled from backup. During this crash we lost 14 hours of incoming experience reports and a couple of days off other projects. On January 7, a electrical arc and smoke in the server's power supply caused the main data disk to fry. The following day the server was back online -- it took 10 days to completely recover data from backup.

Apologies again for the completely unacceptable transmission of a virus-containing email to this list in January. We will do our best to keep it from ever happening again.

We welcome submissions, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections at

Fire, Earth & Spoon


  1. Prohibition & Terrorism

    Our response to the new government ad campaign suggesting a link between illicit drug use and the funding of terrorists. Includes "Does Recreational Drug Use Really Support Terrorism." as well as links and responses to the campaign.

  2. United Kingdom Drug Law & Policy

    The collection of info on MDMA Neurotoxicity has grown large enough to warrant its own index. Includes a new overview of MDMA Neurotoxicity by Matthew Baggott from "Ecstasy: The Complete Guide".

  3. Major Update of Psychoactives & Sex Vault

    Britain recently added 35 Phenethylamines to their new Controlled Substances List (Schedule I). There have been rumors of this change for a couple of years, but it finally went into effect Feb 1st. It appears the goal was to schedule most, if not all, of the chemicals listed in PiHKAL.

  4. New Art in the Psychoactive Art Vaults

    February Artist of the Month : C-A Shaman

    January Artist of the Month : Timeleech

  5. PiHKAL Molecule Images

    We finally added molecule images for all the entries in PiHKAL. Thanks to Bo wo did the somewhat tedious work!

  6. Estimate of Prevalence of Use of Psilocybin Mushrooms

    A brief collection of some of the statistics available about how many people have used psilocybin mushrooms.

  7. Major Updates to Cannabis and Mushroom Image Vaults
    The large number of images submitted in these two categories prompted us to break their displays down into indexed sub-pages:
    Packaged & Dried Cannabis, Live Plants, Flowering Tops & Fresh Buds, Cultivation & Plant Gender, Botanical Drawings, Hemp, Hash, Marinol, and Miscellaneous.
    Packaged, Dried, or Prepared Mushrooms, Live Mushrooms (by genus/species), Cultivation and Miscellaneous.

  8. New Image Vault Additions
    We've added nearly 150 new images to the Vaults. A few highlights include:

    Classic Peruvian Torch Cactus (Trichocereus peruvianus)
    "Purple Star" Cannabis Bud
    Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea)
    Peyote Button (Lophophora williamsii)
    Dried Mushrooms (Psilocybe cubensis)
    2C-T-2 Tablets & Packaging
    Methamphetamine Crystals
    Head Shop

  9. 763 New Experience Reports

    We were excited that by January 1, 2002 we finished reviewing all reports that were submitted before January 2001. Spoon led the valiant charge to try to work through the oldest reports. This may not sound exciting to the rest of you, but there were previously unreviewed reports that were more than 2 years old. Now we're caught up through Mid-April 2001!

  10. Books Added to the Library / Bookstore
    We've added 19 new books to the library. A few highlights include:

    Opium: The Poisoned Poppy (1992)
    Psychotropic Drugs (2001)
    My Self and I (1962)
    The Dream Drugstore (2001)
    Journeys Into the Bright World (1978)
    Brain Candy (2001)

For a more complete listing of What's New at Erowid go to:

A new header and navigation tool now crowns the pages. Submissions have been consistent, with 50+ new tablets tested in the last 2 months. Two recent tablets tested positive for 5-MeO-DiPT, the first time we've identified this substance in a pressed pill. Visit the submissions page to find out how to send in a tablet for free testing.

Summary Analysis Pages:
We also added a few data analysis pages, showing an overview of the testing results including substance by weight of tablet, substance by year, and submissions by geographical area.


If you find Erowid a useful resource and are interested in supporting its future development, please consider donating or becoming a member.



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