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Why Does Erowid Want Copyrights?
In trying to provide an information resource we often run up against restrictions in displaying, printing, or distributing the information or images because we do not have copyright control or full permission to use and distribute the documents.

We often get requests by educators, rave safety groups, and publishers asking if they can use images from our site and we would like to be able to say yes when the use seems appropriate, but we cannot grant permission to use something we do not have the rights to. As the web has become more commercial our ability to use things under the fair use guidelines has gone down because many of the owners of the copyrights are now online and part of their business is providing their images / documents on their website.

We do publish pieces that we have been granted limited priveleges for and use some images under fair-use educational guidelines, but these documents and images we cannot reasonably publish in a book, a poster, a t-shirt, or a flyer or give anyone else the permission to do so. As part of our current Image Drive we are hoping to be able to collect a wide variety of images of psychoactives that we can then use as source material for creating new sections.

We would also like to produce a series of high quality, high resolution images such as: Pill Size / Weight Comparison or the 3 Forms of LSD images that were only possible because of the anonymous contribution of print-quality images.

Please consider scanning the psychoactives you use and submitting them to our anonymous image submission page.

Legal Issues and Privacy

We do our best to protect the anonymity of our contributors through the design of our upload CGI and will vigorously defend your privacy. If you happen to upload images of substances scheduled in the United States, we do not assume that the uploader ever had these substances in their possession illegally. Where you got the images is your business, not anyone elses. Many people have legitimate access to otherwise illegal drugs or look-a-likes (police, prosecutors, drug testing labs, public officials, educators, etc) and many people have access to images or photos of items which would be illegal to possess. No one from erowid will ever ask you to incriminate yourself and it is our policy to assume the innocence and legitimacy of all our visitors.