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The Enlightened Mind
An Anthology of Sacred Prose
Rating :
Editor(s) :
Stephen Mitchell
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
Publisher :
Harper Collins
The Upanishads - The Bible - Heraclitus - The Buddha - Tzu-ssu - Plato - Chuang-tzu - Philo - Jesus of Nazareth - The Gospel of Thomas - John the Evangelist - Maximus of Tyre - The Hermetic Writings - The Diamond Sutra - Gregory of Nyssa - Isaac of Nineveh - Tu-shun - Muhammad - Fa-tsang - Shankara - Pai-chang - Hui-hai - Padmasambhava - Huang-po - Kuei-shan - Abu Abdallah al-Harith al Muhasibi - Dhu'l-Nun alMisri - Abu Yazid al Bistami - Johannes Scotus Erigena - Yun-men - Symeon the New Theologian - Abu Sa'id ibn abi'l-Khayr - Bakhya ibn Pakuda - Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - Yuan-wu - Hugh of St. Victor - Wu-men - Dogen - Rumi - Meister Eckhart - Sharafuddin Maneri - The Cloud of Unknowing - Dame Julian of Norwich - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne - Baruch Spinoza - Thomas Traherne - Dov Baer of Mezritch - Shmelke of Nikolsburg - Yehiel Mikhal of Zlotchov - Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha - William Blakde - Novalis - Chief Seattle - Ralph Waldo Merson - Henry David Thoreau - Rainer Maria Rilke - Albert Einstein - Ramana Maharshi - Franz Kafka - Ludwig Wittgenstein - Shunryu Suzuki - Simone Weil