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cover image
Listening Into the Heart of Things
The Awakening of Love
On MDMA and LSD: The undesired Psychotherapy
Rating :
Author(s) :
Samuel Widmer
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
1997(hb,1st ed,fine/nai)
Publisher :
Basic Editions
The author of this book is absoluetely unimportant. It is all about something that concerns every one of us. It is about our survival, it is about love. It is about something that is impersonal and which at the same time could not be closer to us. The author attempts to express this in his own way, as best he can.

The author has a name: Samuel Widmer. He has a date of birth: the 24th of December 1948. He has an education: he is a doctor, a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist. He has been intensively occupied for the last twenty-five years with Psycholytic Psychtherapy, one of the most effective methods of healing our sickness. And our sickness is the loss of love in our world.

The author has left his name, his date of birth and his education behind. That is history, the past. He has conquered all of that. He lives for the present, our desperate, frightening and delightful present.

It is about something that concerns all of us. It is about love. About something absolutely impersonal which at the same time could not be closer to us.