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Stunning Huichol Yarn Art
Donate $150 or more and get a beautiful Huichol yarn
painting, hand made by Huichol artists in Mexico.
They make fabulous gifts! (6, 8, 12 & 24 inch pieces available.)
What's New at Erowid
Dec 10 2010 to Jan 13 2011 searching for 'image'
Thu Jan 13, 2011 #
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Tabernanthe iboga Flower
Wed Jan 12, 2011 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Chocolate Wafer containing Psilocybe atlantis Sclerotia
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Tabernanthe iboga Extract
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Image : 5-MeO-DMT Powder in Baggie
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Shiva LSD Blotter
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Image : Red Ecstasy Tablet
CHEMICALS : MDMA : Image : Crystalline MDMA Chunks
CHEMICALS : Methylone : Image : Methylone Capsules
Tue Jan 11, 2011 #
CHEMICALS : Cannabinoids : Image : JWH-073 Powder
Sun Jan 9, 2011 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe semilanceata Growing in Grass
Fri Jan 7, 2011 #
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Amanita muscaria var formosa
Tue Jan 4, 2011 #
PLANTS : Cannabis : Image : Outdoor Growing Cannabis sp.