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New, Vintage, and Signed Blotter Art
Contribute $50 or more and get a piece of displayable
blotter art. These look great framed on the wall !
Zolpidem Use Statistics
by Erowid
From March 2006:
Prescriptions for sleeping pills are increasing with Ambien continuing to lead those in its class. Total Benzodiazepoid (benzodiazepine and related drugs) prescriptions in 2001: 29.2 million. Ambien ~ 18 million, sonato about 1 million. in 2006, 43 million benzodiazepoid prescriptions, 28 million for ambien, 1 million for Sonata, 2.3 million for Lunesta (approved March 2005), and 22 million in other benzodiazepines. Data from IMS Health, from New York Times