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ONDCP's Announcement of their 2002 Drugs & Terror Campaign

Feb 3, 2002
Drug-Prevention Campaign Links Drugs and Terror

** Knowing About Connection Makes Kids Less Likely To Use Drugs **
The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign has launched a new initiative to educate Americans about the link between illicit drug use in the U.S. and acts of terror around the world. The initiative combines a range of activities - print and broadcast advertising, in-school programming, online information and community and news media outreach - to raise awareness about the connection between drugs and terror and to engage youth and influential adults in drug prevention.

Law enforcement agencies worldwide have long recognized the link between drugs and terrorism. This new initiative is designed to educate all Americans - specifically young people and parents - about how money from the drug trade helps finance terror.

Starting with the Super Bowl 2002 telecast, broadcast ads will air on prime-time network television, Channel One and Armed Forces television. Print advertising will appear in national magazines and more than 290 newspapers across the country. The online component of the initiative will include banner and key word advertising to complement the new educational features on the Media Campaign's Web sites for parents (, educators ( and entertainment writers ( In addition, a special lesson for high school teachers to use in their classrooms focuses on the drugs and terror connection. The lesson is available at

The ads underwent rigorous focus group testing and were found to be effective in influencing youth not to do drugs. And, according to a survey conducted for the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, 59 percent of children age 12-17 said knowing that illegal drug use helps finance terrorist attacks against America would make them less likely to use drugs. The same survey showed that 62 percent of parents said knowing that use of illegal drugs supports terrorist activities would be helpful to them in talking to their kids about drugs.

You can help answer the national call to prevent drug use in America by learning more about the link between drugs and terror and educating kids about yet another reason not to use drugs. Fact sheets, backgrounders and a host of other materials outlining the link between drugs and terror, as well as tips that adults can use in talking to children about drugs, are located at

In addition to these materials, the Web site includes a downloadable brochure, ‘Keeping Your Kids Drug-Free: A How-To Guide for Parents and Caregivers.' Free copies of the brochure are available by calling (800) 788-2800 and requesting document number PHD884.

MEDIA CAMPAIGN FLASH is your source of the latest news on the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. Feel free to forward this information.

ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN: The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign targets youth ages 9-18 - especially middle-school adolescents - parents, and other adults who influence choices young people make to lead drug-free lives.

To get the word out across every economic and cultural boundary, the Campaign uses a mix of modern communications techniques to educate and empower young people to reject illicit drugs. The Campaign also teams up with civic and non-profit organizations, faith-based groups and private corporations to enlist and engage people in prevention efforts at school, at work and at play. For more information on the Media Campaign, check out