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Reports from Apr 21 2004 - May 12 2004
All Reports
(94 Total)

Highly Recommended Making LOVE with the Universe PsillyBoy Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & P. viridis) & Cannabis 2004 May 12
Highly Recommended An Intense Lesson in Respect for Life Yosh Salvia divinorum (10x extracts) & Mushrooms (Mexican) 2004 Apr 23
Recommended Three Stepping Stone Experiences Cunning Stunts Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2004 May 12
Recommended I Could Will Myself There Gradually but Steadily goat 4-Ho-DiPT 2004 Apr 23
Recommended A Serene and Expansive Plateau nowhereman DPT & AMT 2004 Apr 22
Not Too Great MK Cocaine 2004 May 12
Very Interesting Thoughts without Any Panic Toben Salvia divinorum (5x extract) & Nitrous Oxide 2004 May 12
Thoughts From an Ex-DXM Junkie Anonymous DXM (with CPM) 2004 May 06
Rough Start, Smooth Finish RG 2C-E 2004 May 06
Teenage Lobotomy smackron Alprazolam (Xanax) 2004 May 05
A World A Mystical Bliss Vix Daniel Clonazepam 2004 May 05
Escaping the Movie shunya Salvia divinorum 2004 May 04
Zen vs. Insanity Smoke psilo Mushrooms 2004 May 03
Goofy Roofie holo Flunitrazepam 2004 May 03
Finding Your Most Beautiful Thoughts stardreamer Mushrooms 2004 May 02
The Tale of the 7 Seeds nutmed od? nutmeg 2004 May 02
The Lady's or Gentleman's Stimulant Sredni 4-Fluoroamphetamine 2004 Apr 23
'2C-AMT', Physically Taxing shimmer 2C-P & Cannabis 2004 Apr 23
So There Are These Bars... jesus Salvia divinorum (20x extract), Cannabis, Alcohol & Paroxetine 2004 Apr 22
The Harsh Healer Jamshyd MDMA 2004 Apr 22
Cosmic Breathing Treefingers 5-MeO-DMT 2004 Apr 21
I Made It Through Spin180 GHB 2004 May 12
One Central Point countryboy Salvia divinorium 2004 May 12
Like a Slideshow NyghtOwl Amanita muscaria 2004 May 12
Relaxing Free Association Sigea Alprazolam (Xanax) & Cannabis 2004 May 12
Entertainment While Sleeping Alco302 Kava 2004 May 12
Drunk and Off-kilter Junglist Amanita muscaria 2004 May 12
DON'T Try This at Home anonymous Inhalants (Gasoline) 2004 May 12
The Cry of the Gnomes Spazmik Salvia divinorum & Cannabis 2004 May 12
Rectal DXM DXM DXM 2004 May 07
Stupid Move, Payed for It Anonymous DXM, CPM & Cannabis 2004 May 07
Please Be Careful! Ex-DXMTRIPPER DXM-Alcohol-Xanax 2004 May 07
Synergy at its Best DXMTRIPPER DXM; alcohol; ephedrine; diphenhydramine 2004 May 07
Pure Delerium...My First Time With Dramamine! DXMTRIPPER Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) 2004 May 07
Tripping Around the Neighborhood Anonymous DXM 2004 May 06
Massive Overdose Gideon Stargrave 2C-E 2004 May 06
A Trip to the Hospital Anonymous 750 mg DXM, 600 mg Diphenhydramine 2004 May 06
4000mg In Under A Month Mong f00 Diazepam 2004 May 06
IV Experiences hydro-dodo Hydromorphone 2004 May 06
A Tiny Yellow Piece Of Heaven kane Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 2004 May 06
Permanent Speech Impediment Xanax Alprozolam 2004 May 05
It Kills The Panic Sparkle Dragon Alprazolam (Xanax) 2004 May 05
Completely Zoned Out trent lane Morphine & Diazepam 2004 May 05
Art Party rudolf 2C-I 2004 May 04
Probably Overkill Shamanistic Harmaline 2004 May 03
Where Are They Going? Twynx Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2004 May 03
A Lot I Don't Remember Zop Flunitrazepam & Alcohol 2004 May 03
The Dark Side Of Rohypnol Survivor Flunitrazepam 2004 May 03
A Little Odd Emotionally Zop Kava 2004 May 03
Bring It On Anony Mouse Salvia divinorum 2004 Apr 30
Welcome to the Jungle! Andrex LSD, Cannabis & Tobacco 2004 Apr 27
The Short High with the WORST Crash some guy Cocaine 2004 Apr 27
Strange Beautiful Scary Place AARON 2C-T-4 & Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2004 Apr 23
Mellow 4-FMP 4-Fluoroamphetamine 2004 Apr 23
Bad Snuff Experience Carl League Tobacco 2004 Apr 23
I'll Never Do That Again Nick Fentanyl 2004 Apr 23
It's Better When I'm Active Sillililasianboi MDMA (Ecstasy) 2004 Apr 23
Snowy Night Mark Mushrooms 2004 Apr 22
Duster Dreams Will Inhalants 2004 Apr 22
Don't Smoke It! Jason Valerian 2004 Apr 22
All the Hangover without Any Buzz? AuralChaos Yohimbe, Kava, Ginkgo biloba, & Tobacco 2004 Apr 22
Were They Perhaps Old? Morphium Poppies - Opium 2004 May 12
Life Has Changed Dramatically Karpet MDMA, Cannabis, Tobacco & Inhalants (Nitrites) 2004 May 12
Through the Tube D Sage Salvia divinorum 2004 May 12
Toga Party in the Botanical Gardens Morgan Mushrooms 2004 May 12
Nice Smoke requiem Catnip 2004 May 12
The Recreational Effects From Ephedrine DXMTRIPPER ephedrine 2004 May 07
The Power Of Grapefruit Juice! DXMTRIPPER DXM 2004 May 07
Ma Huang (Ephedrine)....Ahh..what can I say? DXMtripper Ephedrine 2004 May 07
Heavy Buzzed Feeling DXMtripper DXM 2004 May 07
A Party I'll Never Forget Anonymous DXM, alcohol 2004 May 06
Tired MerK Alprazolam (Xanax) 2004 May 05
Euphoria & Body-Highs Vs. Paranoia & Insomnia Benny Dubbers Alprazolam (Xanax) 2004 May 05
Foggy Dream Or Reality? Sivvy Stilts Oxazepam & Alcohol 2004 May 05
Interesting Experience Human Being Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2004 May 03
Relaxed and Light Manda Cannabis 2004 May 02
Shrooms Warp You to Another World Shrooms Mushrooms 2004 Apr 30
Smoked Shrooms fiend Mushrooms (smoked) & Cannabis 2004 Apr 29
Surreal Vibrations Junior Birdsman Mushrooms (blue vein) 2004 Apr 29
Perfect Synergy (Ying + Yang) Platinum907 2C-T-2 & 4-Acetoxy-DIPT 2004 Apr 23
Deaf Black Cat Vinpocetine, Ginkgo biloba & Ephedrine 2004 Apr 23
Post Trip Recurrence with OCD Diagnosis John Mushrooms 2004 Apr 23
Every Once in a While Is Good for Me Will Mushrooms & Cannabis 2004 Apr 23
No Strong Effects Will Caffeine 2004 Apr 22
Om Om And Nothing Nuclearbloom Mushrooms 2004 Apr 22
When Is Enough Enough? Anonymous Cocaine, Alcohol & Cannabis 2004 May 12
An Unexpected Trip on a Cold Spring Day! francisco Morning Glory 2004 May 09
Stimulant Phsycosis! DXMtripper Caffeine, Ephedrine, Sleep Deprivation 2004 May 07
Win Some, Lose Some! DXMtripper Morning Glory seeds 2004 May 07
You Take It Don't Let It Take You PEACEFROGDAVE LSD 2004 May 03
All Day Mongo Methamphetamine 2004 May 03
Fight your Feind Regretful Cocaine 2004 May 02
Another Reality Spiceter Nutmeg 2004 Apr 30
The Arrow of Truth turtle Datura 2004 Apr 22

NOTE: There are 2 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

COPYRIGHTS: All reports copyright Erowid.
TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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