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All References with Titles containing 'Himwich_HE' OR with Authors including 'Himwich_HE' OR with Abstract including 'Himwich_HE' OR with Keywords including 'Himwich_HE'

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Rinaldi F, Himwich HE Frenquel corrects certain cerebral electrographic changes. Science 1955
Rinaldi F, Himwich HE The cerebral electrographic changes induced by LSD and mescaline are c... J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1955
Himwich HE The effect of Frenquel on EEG changes produced by LSD-25 and mescaline... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Himwich HE Discussion Third Symposium: Comparison of abnormal behavioral states ... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Himwich HE, van Meter WG,... An EEG analysis of psychotomimetic drugs. Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Brodey JF, Steiner WG, Hi... An electrographic study of psilocin and 4-methyl-x-methyl-tryptamine (... J. Pharmacol. exp. T... 1963
Schweigerdt AK, Stewart A... An Electrographic study of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Nine Conge... J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1966
Votava Z, Glisson SN, Him... Behavioral reaction of rats pretreated with reserpine to LSD-25 Int. J. Neuropharmac... 1967
Fujimori M, Himwich HE Electroencephalographic analyses of amphetamine and its methoxy deriva... Int J Neuropharmacol 1969